Welcome to Pivot

Emmanuel, MassArt, MCPHS and Simmons have teamed up on a joint contract for PIVOT. Pivot connects researchers to financial support by leveraging the most comprehensive global source of sponsored funding opportunities and provides scholarly profiles to match researchers with financial partners and collaborators.

With more than 20 years of experience, Pivot is the funding awareness solution for hundreds of the world’s leading research institutions. Some benefits on the horizon from this joint-service include:

  • Database of profiles from colleagues across the COF to maximize funding opportunities, identify potential collaborators and increase research exposure.
  • Communications and outreach for targeted funding opportunities within the COF through newsletter and a new COF webpage.
  • Onboarding and training resources – Pivot offers individuals extensive video training to be accompanied by shared live training (Date TBD) in house created by COF to include collaborative approaches between campuses. 

Stay tuned for more information on this exciting opportunity!

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