Entering the 2023-2024 School year

Dear COF Community: 

As we gear up for another exciting academic year, we extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Your presence enriches our campus community, and we’re thrilled to begin the 2023 – 2024 academic year!

Covid-19 and the flu continue to present challenges for our community, and we want to ensure that you’re well-informed and equipped to navigate these circumstances. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

·       Increased Awareness: There has been a recent uptick in Covid-19 and flu cases within our COF Community and in Greater Boston.  It’s essential to be vigilant and informed about the symptoms associated with these illnesses.

·       Recognizing Symptoms: Common Covid-19 symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, and fatigue. Flu symptoms often encompass fever, body aches, chills, sore throat, and congestion.

·       Testing Availability: If you experience any of these symptoms or suspect exposure to Covid-19 or the flu, please get tested promptly. Testing is accessible at local pharmacies and health centers, and our university and college health services can guide you to the nearest options.

·       Responsible Action: Should you test positive for Covid-19 or the flu, we kindly urge you to follow recommended health guidelines and isolate or quarantine, as necessary:. 

o   Current guidelines recommend 5 days at minimum of isolation for a positive Covid-19 test or first onset of symptoms, whichever occurred first. 

o   After 5 days, you may leave isolation only if symptoms are improving or absent, but you must wear a tight-fitting N95 mask for 5 more days. 

o   If you are still experiencing symptoms, it is recommended to isolate for the full 10-day period. Your responsible actions play a pivotal role in preventing further spread.

o   You can find more information here: CDC Recommendations for Covid-19 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/isolation.html and here CDC Recommendations for the Flu https://www.cdc.gov/flu/business/stay-home-when-sick.htm

·       Mask-Wearing: While masks are not currently mandated on campus, we support mask-wearing for those who would like to. Especially in crowded or indoor settings, wearing masks remains an effective measure to safeguard yourself and others.

·       Best Defense:Stay up-to-date with vaccines and/or boosters, if you are not already. This is one of the best ways to protect yourself to build immunity to COVID and the flu. Get boosted if you are eligible! Find a vaccine clinic near you here

 If you would like to visit our student health centers, please reach out to:

Emmanuel College:

·       Health Services at Emmanuel College

·       Marin Hall, Second Floor

·       Call 617-264-7678

Massachusetts College of Art and Design, MCPHS, Wentworth Institute of Technology:

·       Carbon Student Health Services

·       Treehouse Residential Building, 2nd Floor

·       Call 617-879-5220 or download their app: https://carbonhealth.com/download 

Simmons University:

·       Simmons Health Center

·       94 Pilgrim Road on the Simmons Residential Campus

·       Call 617-521-1020

Your commitment to these measures demonstrates care for your fellow students, faculty, and staff, and contributes to the overall well-being of our campus community. If you would like more information for Covid-19 health procedures, please visit the COF website: https://www.colleges-fenway.org/sars-cov-2-covid-19-information/


Claire Ramsbottom                           Alexandra Koch (she/her/hers)

Executive Director                               Director of Emergency Management

Colleges of the Fenway, IncColleges of the Fenway, Inc

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